Hello there!

We want to break the data<>technology hype cycle.

  • Too many transformation initiatives fail due to poor alignment of business, data, technology and AI/product strategies.

  • We recognise the power of programmes that create change for businesses, colleagues, customers and citizens.

  • We also understand how and where they can go wrong - especially when data is a critical element.

  • Our team works with your leadership community, colleagues and stakeholders to help you align your data-driven initiatives with your business goals and identify measurable key results to realise tangible progress and benefits.

In the last 25 years, each major paradigm shift involving data has created opportunity for business change that should support growth, ensure compliance or take advantage of a technological leap forward.

However, every single shift has been accompanied by technology hype, executive FOMO and ultimately the failure of expensive programmes to deliver sustainable growth or the fundamental shift envisaged by leaders, shareholders or regulators.

Archernar help deliver sustainable business change by being curious yet cautious, ambitious yet pragmatic, and always data-informed

We help to set and inform strategies, plans and backlogs bi-directionally; creating the means for all stakeholders to directly monitor and understand how a programme of work will deliver value and what part they play in that success.


Why is data like water?